In Startup Your Life, sociologist Anna Akbari asks her readers to bring the enthusiasm and flexibility of Silicon Valley startups to live a life that is happy and exciting.
Self-Help Book Reviews
Stretching to Stay Young | Book Summary, Reviews | Jessica Matthews
In Stretching to Stay Young, the author explains how stretching contributes to your overall muscular health and is one of the main components for mobility.
The Art of Witty Banter | Summary, Reviews | Patrik King
The Art of Witty Banter by Patrick King will give you some generic starters and tips to become a suave conversationalist, with witty banter one-liners.
The Lose Your Belly Diet | Summary, Reviews | Travis Stork
There has been a lot of excitement about the gut brain connection in the recent years and its potential in curing many chronic ailments. Just as stress can lead to stomach problems, an imbalance in your gut microbiome can upset your mental health, some research indicates. David Purlmutter explained this Gut-Brain connection in considerable detail…