The Tools of Titans distills actionable advice from nearly two hundred guests on The Tim Ferris Show. A perfect gift to help others achieve their new year resolutions.
Self-Help Book Reviews
Pogue’s Basics: Money | David Pogue | Bestsellers
Pogue’s Basics: Money: Essential Tips and Shortcuts, the author brings this power of information at you fingertips and converts that information into hard cash.
The 4-Hour Workweek | Tim Ferriss | Business Bestseller | Self-Help
The 4-Hour Workweek is a must read if you are itching to redesign your life and are ready to chase your dreams.Since its release in 2009, Tim Ferriss has won scores of fans who vouch by his advice
The Power of Habit | Book Summary, Reviews | Bestsellers
In The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, New York Times bestseller, author Charles Duhigg shows you how human natures works and gives you enough proof to believe that you can change any damaging habits that you may have picked up over the years.