The latest in Bill O’Reilly’s Killing series is Killing the Rising Sun. After a series of books of military commanders and political leaders, this non-fiction book trains guns on the final year of World War II in the Pacific.
book review
Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett
Designing Your Life brings you a fresh look at asking and solving life defining problems from a design thinking perspective. The author discuss some of the most common problems like finding the career that is right for you or looking for a job when you are unemployed for a long time.
Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini
Pre-Suasion is not a book you want to miss if you are interested in knowing how people think and do what they do.There is tons of research quoted in the book and it is a treasure trove of information on how conversations before an event influence the outcome of a certain event.
Patient H. M. by Luke Dittrich: Book Review
Patient H. M. is an interesting read for most medical students and those associated with medicine. It is also a great read for people who are fascinated by how human brain works and typically love to watch medical drama on television.