Although the author highlights the current uncertainty, he advises the readers not to shy away from investing in stocks as they will give the best returns when it comes to long-term investments.
Self-Help Book Reviews
Stealing Fire Book Reviews, Summary | Kotler and Wheal
Stealing Fire book substantiates that there is potential in exploring the alternative states of consciousness and it is real. There are different tools that can help you unlock these states of high performance states of consciousness and that it offers real value.
Make Your Kid a Money Genius by Beth Kobliner
In Make Your Kid a Money Genius, author Beth Kobliner compiles all the information you need to engage your kids and teach them behaviors that will make them a genius at handling money – even if you didn’t do it that well.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen
In How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen, the authors focus on 3 to 8 years age group and show you how you can stop your little one from screaming, running wild, or throwing things around and make a mess.