In Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth, Eddie Yoon tells the reader why they must focus on this 10 percent and how these superconsumers can drive sales and improve your products.
Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini
Pre-Suasion is not a book you want to miss if you are interested in knowing how people think and do what they do.There is tons of research quoted in the book and it is a treasure trove of information on how conversations before an event influence the outcome of a certain event.
Your Book Your Brand: Book Review
Your Book Your Brand is a short and handy guide that will take you from the basics to the best kept secrets of book marketing. With resources, tools, and advice, new authors can save a lot of time hunting for this all important information online, and spend the time on actually building a brand and marketing the brand.
Retail Marketing Strategy by Constant Berkhout
From Hypermarkets to Online Retail, and from Neuro Research to Big data, Constant Berkhout covers every angle fro retail marketers of today and provides solutions to tackle the changing shopper behavior in store and online.