Arianna Huffington challenges this popular, traditional definition of success in Thrive. She exhorts the readers to re-examine this universal definition of success and asks them to redefine success to align with their inner self.
Bloomberg Businessweek: March 17 -23 2014
The March 17-23 2014 issues of Bloomberg Businessweek looks at the pollution status in China, how vulnerable the retail industry is and the Crimean crisis.
Leadership 2030 by George VielMetter and Yvonne Sell: O’Reilly Media
In Leadership 2030, the authors explain what separates a Megatrend from a fad and discuss the six emerging trends that will shape businesses in the next two decades.
Tweet Naked: Book Review
In Tweet Naked: A Bare-All Social Media Strategy for Boosting Your Brand and Your Business, author Scott Levy argues that conversation on social media networks should not be any different from real world.