In The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, New York Times bestseller, author Charles Duhigg shows you how human natures works and gives you enough proof to believe that you can change any damaging habits that you may have picked up over the years.
mental health
The Book of Joy | Dalai Lama | Desmond Tutu
The Book of Joy is a book of essays that talk about joy and happiness and shows us how to find joy, based on discussions between Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu over five days in Dharamsala, India.
Patient H. M. by Luke Dittrich: Book Review
Patient H. M. is an interesting read for most medical students and those associated with medicine. It is also a great read for people who are fascinated by how human brain works and typically love to watch medical drama on television.
Neurotribes: History and Evolution of Autism in Medicine
NeuroTribes looks at the progression of autism research through the years with stories of different families and research notes.