There a people who will argue passionately about the value of a college degree and then there are those who will discount it citing successful people who did just fine without a degree. What is important to understand is that only a few college dropouts become ‘Steve Jobs’ of this world, while a healthy percentage…
Book Review
The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan
The Invisible Bridge chronicles the events in the latter part of the Vietnam War. The author, Rick Perlstein, author of New York Times Bestseller Nixonland highlights the difficult economic conditions of the 70s in America, the devastation in Vietnam, and a detailed account of returning soldiers who were not welcomed by all.
Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder
Arianna Huffington challenges this popular, traditional definition of success in Thrive. She exhorts the readers to re-examine this universal definition of success and asks them to redefine success to align with their inner self.
Leadership 2030 by George VielMetter and Yvonne Sell: O’Reilly Media
In Leadership 2030, the authors explain what separates a Megatrend from a fad and discuss the six emerging trends that will shape businesses in the next two decades.