Survival of the Fittest. That has been the story of all species on Earth that we have come to accept. And humans are not any different. Scarcity, and limited resources have driven nations to large scale wars and us to everyday skirmishes and petty behavior in our lives. This basic reality has shaped our existence…
Book Review
Get Backed: The Bridge from Idea to Funding
You must read Get Backed if you have ever thought of taking a product mainstream, if you are convinced that your vision of the product can be successful, and if you are determined to bring your ideas into day light.
Dating, Relationships and Marriage Advice by Titania Hudson
DATING, RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE ADVICE highlights the problems in your marriage and shared tips to fix the situation, for a long, happy married life.
The McKinsey Edge
In The McKInsey Edge, the author comes out with a strong list of 47 principles, the authors covers all the aspects of managing your career and the best way to wade through your daily tasks efficiently.