E-book Revolution: The Ultimate Guide To E-book Success demonstrates how to take those critical first steps to e-book success and choose the right e-book model and promotion style for you.
Connected Strategy Book Review
Connected Strategy book talks about new forms of connectivity–involving frequent, low-friction, customized interactions–mean that companies can now anticipate customer needs as they arise, or even before.
The Young Adult Writer’s Journey Book Review
The Young Adult Writer’s Journey is an all-inclusive book on young adult fiction must-do, don’t do and how-to. If you want to write a young adult novel, you need to read this book first.
Themes and Variations Book Review
Themes and Variations brings a fascinating glimpse into the mysterious workings of music on the human brain.
Unstoppable Book Review | Ben Angel
In Unstoppable book the author Ben Angel ensures that your mind and body work together and runs like a well-oiled machine that performs at its peak.
A Kind of Mirraculas Paradise
A Kind of Mirraculas Paradise is a story about Schizophrenia from the eyes of a paranoid schizophrenic written by his niece Sandra Allen.
The Medusa File II by Craig Roberts
Timothy McVeigh did not act alone. Claims Craig Roberts in The Medusa File II: The Politics of Terror and the Oklahoma City Bombing as he bares all that happened during the investigation at the time – and it is not what you believe.
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
In High Performance Habits, success coach Brendon Burchard gives you six behaviors that can mean the difference between being on the top or down in the dump.
Momentus by Hannah Alper | New Book Release
Hannah has found power in using her voice to inspire. Momentus shares this journey on the global stage and demonstrates her message coming to life.
The Essential Crying Baby Book by Kristine Smith
The Essential Crying Baby Book by Dr. Kristine Smith covers options to help the baby stop crying and parents from long-term effects of the stress.