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Blurb Joins Shelf Unbound’s Best Indie Book Contest
Enter your books in the Shelf Unbound’s Best Indie book contest to win $1000 worth priniting services and a feature in their magazine that reaches 125,000 book lovers. You also get a year’s worth full-page ad in the Shelf Unbound magazine along with 10 ISBNs from Bowker.
In Search of Excellence by Peters, Waterman
In Search of Excellence was written in 1982, a tumultuous time in America. Managers were looking for advice that was relevant with the times, and the book gave them that. Peters and Waterman were consultants at McKinsey & Co.’s San Francisco office. They were given a project to study Organization in companies, and the rest…
Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra: Richer in every sense
Deepak Chopra, the New York based physician and spiritual guru, needs no introduction. I have had a tattered copy of Creating Affluence for the longest time. I have heard family members talk about it for years now, and know the gist of the book. But I had never actually picked it up and read it….
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – Embrace Law of Attraction
Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret promises infinite happiness. It reveals the secret that has been known by Einstein and Beethoven.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari teaches some important life lessons by way of a fable. I guess this one is a modern day fable. Monks, Himalayas, longevity are themes that always remind me of Shangri-la, yes the Shangri-la of James Hilton’s Lost Horizon. But any comparisons end there. Robin Sharma is a well known…
I’m OK–You’re OK by Thomas Harris
Another book that sold over 15 million copies, I’m OK–You’re OK by Thomas Harris uses the principles of Transactional Analysis to solve problems in life. I’m Ok–You’re OK is one of the four ‘life positions’ that one can take, and it is the most ideal one according to the author. Transactional Analysis says there are…
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change has almost cult status when it comes to business or self help books, and so does Stephen Covey. Author Stephen Covey became famous for the concept of abundance put forth in this book. Read and imbibe the 7 habits into every sphere of…
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
Who Moved my Cheese? was published in 1998. The world was in a Y2K frenzy. Information Technology firms were manically working on fixing bad code that could destroy the world. Destroy it, I say! I remember all kinds of doom was predicted. Some said Air Traffic Control could go offline stranding all the planes in…
The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr.Norman Vincent Peale
The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale has been printed over 5 million times. And its message of faith and optimism has helped many people. This is definitely the book to have on hand when you need to lift yourself up from the doldrums. Happiness is ephemeral. A laborer who barely earns…