Coliloquy lead the interactive narratives on Kindle E-Ink platform and published over 30 titles. After Byliner, Vook now has acquired Coliloquy. Coliloquy authors will receive 85 percent of their royalties and access to all the Vook data tools.
The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatick
The Art of Social Media is a quick reference guide that will give you tried and tested solutions to questions and problems that you are bound to face as you plunge into the social media universe.
7 Thanksgiving Non Fiction Books for Your Holiday Bookshelf
Thanksgiving is a popular American Holiday. Learn how Thanksgiving began in America with these non fiction bestsellers about Thanksgiving.
Mirador Direct: One Stop Shop for Indie Authors
Mirador Direct by Mirador Publishing aims to provide indie authors services from selecting book covers to international book distribution.The advantage over other services such as Create Space or LuLu is the book will be published under a Publisher brand and get an ISBN number.
Audiobooks on Scribd: The Biggest and Best Audiobook Offering
Scribd has added more than 30,000 audiobooks to its library. You can get access to new books and bestsellers for $9 a month subscription fee.
Stuff You Should Know About Stuff: Book Review
Stuff You Should Know About Stuff is funny and you will enjoy reading it. You should buy it because it can give you a tip or two about how to handle that tricky situation you always wondered about.
Book Cover Essentials for Non Fiction Authors
Book Covers! You just can’t afford to get them wrong. The first thing readers in bookstores or virtual stores lay eyes on is the book cover. Keep these basic factors in mind when you start designing your next book cover.
The Nazis Next Door: Book Release
In The Nazis Next Door, Eric Lichtblau claims that the US welcomed nearly 10,000 Nazis into the country to prevent them from going to the soviets during the cold war.
CapReader: Get Your Kids Reading Early
Capstone Young Readers is releasing its CapReader app for iOS. The app is free and includes options to read aloud as well as highlight the text as you read along.
A Step-By-Step Guide to Your First Blog: Book Release
This step-by-step guide about blogging covers both the strategic considerations in choosing a domain name as well as step-by-step instruction in buying and installing the blogging software.