Lori is an SPHR-certified employment attorney with close to two decades of experience representing both employers and employees in all aspects of their employment relationships.
Accident Handbook: Legal Rights of Car Accident Victims in Plain English
Accident Handbook: The Practical Guide to Louisiana Personal Injury Law for Car Wreck Victims explains Louisiana personal injury law to people hurt in car crashes.
Hidden Dangers: Mexico on the Brink of Disaster
Hidden Dangers is call to authorities and leaders on both sides of the border to sit up and take notice of the worsening situation. A call to make Mexico self-sufficient and eradicate the parallel economy of drug trade.
Christopher Surdak: NonFiction Author Profile
Christopher Surdak is an industry-recognized expert in Collaboration and Content Management, Big Data, Information Security, Regulatory Compliance, and Cloud Computing.
Plot Fiction Like the Masters by Terry Richard Bazes
Plot Fiction Like the Masters is a small book that teaches you a lot. Especially about writing novels, particularly the kind that will make you immortal in the annals of literature.
Higher Education and Employability: Reimagining the US Graduate
Higher Education and Employability discusses the current shortfalls in preparing graduates for the job and possible solutions and the road ahead.
Ontario Garlic: The Story of Garlic
Ontario Garlic: The Story from Farm to Festival by Peter McClusky is an interesting account of Garlic’s journey from Asia to the West and farms of Ontario.
Coca-Cola WASH – A Step Toward Swach Bharat
WASH or Strengthening Water and Sanitation in Urban Settings aims to analyze risks in various urban centers beginning with Kolkota and Chennai.
ICICI Academy for Skills: Free Training for the Underprivileged
ICICI Academy For Skills provides technical and administrative office courses to its students free of cost across its centers in India.
Torn Book Review: Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
Torn: The Story of an Undeserving Wallaby Drowning in a Septic Tank is a story of a dreamer, a story of an ambitious lad wanting to make a new life in a new country, a story of a loving son and a doting father, a story of a torn fighter waging an endless battle to hold his son in his arms again.