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Bowker Simplifies Copyright Protection for Authors
Bowker has teamed with Di-gi rights to simplify copyright protection process for authors at the time of ISBN registration.
6 Best Halloween Books for Everything Halloween
The 6 Best Halloween Books list will tell you everything you want to know about Halloween: from the Celtic roots to Halloween customs in popular culture.
Little Rice: What Xiaomi Means to China
Little Rice: Smartphones, Xiaomi, and the Chinese Dream looks at how the leading phone manufacturer has changed the Chinese and scaled dizzying heights in a few years.
Rocket: Eight Lessons to Secure Infinite Growth
Rocket: Eight Lessons to Secure Infinite Growth will force you to look at your brand and give you the tools to build a robust trajectory to growth.
Quench Your Own Thirst: Book by Samuel Adams Founder Jim Koch
Quench Your Own Thirst is full of anecdotes, quirky musings and bits of wisdom that go far beyond brewing, and provides surprising advice on sales, marketing, hiring, and company culture.
DIY Financial Advisor: Book Review
DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth shows you why and you can meet your financial goals on your own without hiring an investment consultant.
A Glimpse into Ancient Indian Texts by Anju Saha
Our Heritage Revisited: A glimpse into ancient Indian texts is a comprehensive guide to ancient Indian texts and helps you understand the focus of the age old volumes.
Have You Considered These Great Places to Work for in India
Here are some of the best small and medium businesses in the IT sector that have high employee satisfaction and one you should consider to work at.
The Shift by Theresa Brown
In The Shift, Theresa Brown captures all the hope, sorrow, tension, and triumph from a nurse’s point of you in a story like form.