Everyone has a story in them. Every life has a story. But unlike a Fiction or Non-Fiction, not every real story has a logical conclusion. You, the reader, needs to see a logical conclusion, but I am sure you, the person, understands that not everything in life is resolved.
We may never get answers to the questions that are most important to us.
But how do you deal with a life whose story is suddenly put on a pause? A pause that may never be released or which begins again too late.
Torn is a story that does not have an end yet. But hey, don’t they all say Life is a Journey and not a destination. Simon Williams tells us how his journey has shaped and how humor has kept him going and allowed him to keep the light burning in that dark corner.
Torn is Simon Williams’ story so far . . . A work in progress. A fight he is waging to get back his son from his ex-wife who took off to Brazil with their son.
Torn: The Story of an Undeserving Wallaby Drowning in a Septic Tank.
Author: Simon John Williams
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 28, 2015)
ISBN: 1514257831, 978-1514257838
Although not Happy by any means, the author has narrated his life story with humor. His desire as a kid to play Rugby for his dream team in Australia. His journey to the US and starting a new life in a country that is exactly opposite in almost everything.
People who have migrated to the US or gone through this transition will identify with many experiences that the author shares with his readers. US readers will get a glimpse of what outsiders experience early on as they adjust to the new country, they will need to have a sense of humor to not get aggravated by what the author says though.
You might want to question, at times, what the author intends to say or where the book is going. But as I said earlier some stories and most lives do not have a definite structure. Some of us win the fights we fight. Some choose not to fight. While some end their lives fighting to their last breath.
Is the fight that doesn’t end not worth reading, then? Although the book may not be the thriller that you love to read, it is an interesting story that you will love to read. A story of a dreamer, a story of an ambitious lad wanting to make a new life in a new country, a story of a loving son and a doting father, a story of a torn fighter waging an endless battle to hold his son in his arms again.