I have been debating for some time now whether to write about this or not. The truth is I couldn’t think of an angle to mash up a post on facial hair. Beards are as natural as the hair on our head. However, somewhere along the road, keeping a beard became synonymous with everything negative. The general impression in the West and therefore most of the corporate world is that a beard is sign of an unkempt person who cannot be trusted.
However, if you dig deeper, psychological research throws up a completely different picture of what women think of beards and stubble. At best, the perception of bearded men means different things to people in different countries and varies based on the current fashion trends. However, some perceptions run strong. Here are some reasons why a clean-shaven look is a safe choice for the young.
#1 Bearded people are perceived as more aggressive than the clean-shaven
Various studies conducted across the world show that people generally associate bearded men with aggressive behavior. Recent fashion and media depiction too have not helped a lot, which routinely throws up villains and negative characters with facial hair, reinforcing the general belief.
# 2 Clean shaven, smiling faces are judged as more attractive than bearded faces
If you are in the profession of impressing people and your appearance is crucial to make a sale, a beard or stubble is definitely not the way to go. People naturally gravitate toward people who look approachable and pleasing when looking for help. Who’s your first choice in a mall or a store – a man with a beard or a clean-shaven, well-dressed guy?
# 3 Beards make you look older than you are
Now if you want to impress that girl, a stubble may not be the way to go. Research has proven that beards make you look older. While older might work for some, it can also easily backfire.
# 4 Employers and Managers prefer a clean-shaven candidate
Appearance based discrimination is an established fact in hiring. For this reason, many employers are required to conduct the interview process on the phone where the interviewer cannot see the candidate and must make decisions only on their response to questions.
Managers almost always prefer candidates who will conform to the rules. A clean-shaven candidate gives the impression of being compliant rather than a candidate with a stubble or a beard. This also ranks higher in the factors most recruiters consider important while evaluating candidates for a job.
You may agree or disagree, but here it is, researched and proven across the world. A clean-shaven person is considered attractive, trustworthy, and is preferred in most circumstances. Opportunities don’t knock twice. Who knows? You may just bump into the casting director for the next Gillette commercial. You surely don’t want to miss this chance of being the face of Gillette, Do you?
‘This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette”.