Medical science has give us freedom from many frequent illnesses, infections and diseases in the last century. But it still has a long way ahead and many chronic conditions still have to be managed instead of being cured. Deepak Chopra books mainly build on his beliefs that human mind has the ability to heal the body and can assist in improving health in many way that medicine cannot.
Born and educated in India, Deepak Chopra emigrated to the US in the 70s and specialized in Endocrinology. He taught medicine in multiple schools including at Harvard, before setting up his own facility in Boston. His chance meeting with the head of Indian Council of Ayurvedic Medicine and later with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi led him toward alternative medicine as he used Transcendental Meditation practices to get rid of his smoking habit.
Dr. Chopra believed that although medicine is beneficial in most cases, it only treats the superficial symptoms that the body shows. A lot of these are fought by immune system and can be resolved on their own in a short time by our body. This led him to establish the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. Over the years he has published many books that advice use of natural supplements and meditation practices to strengthen our bodies, and in many cases reduce the ageing process.
Deepak Chopra Books
Here are some of the best Deepak Chopra books that talk about spiritual healing and building a healthy, happy life by way of meditation and internal strength.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
The author says you do not have to be mean, competitive, and ruthless to achieve success. He believes when we allow ourselves to develop without artificial restraints, we reach our best possible outcome. He gives the readers seven laws – one for each day of the week that they should practice. They don’t tell you not have desires or ambitions. The seven spiritual laws guide you in how you can best fulfill your desire without creating a negative energy and have the world help you toward your goals.
The fictionalized version of life of prince Siddharth and his struggles with mortality and all the human weaknesses are outlined in this brief story. The book traces the journey of the troubled prince who gave up a protected, privileged life to become a monk. His experiences and meditations along this journey lead to enlightenment and made him Buddha. Read this book if you want to know more about the Buddhist belief systems and the why Desire is considered to root cause of all suffering.
The Book of Secrets
The book asks the readers to question their current self and redefine themselves with new approach. The author shares his view of the universe and elaborates on the existential questions that we have all thought of one time or another. Pain , Suffering, Sorrow, Death are some of the things that every human beings wants to shake off. But most of these can rid of when you are truthful to yourself.
“The road to freedom is not through feeling good; it is through feeling true to yourself” (p. 57).
Creating Affluence
This pocket sized book packs a punch. If you are permanently stuck in a toxic thought process thinking you do not have the resources to do something or do not have the means to achieve your dreams, this is a book that you should read – multiple times. The explains to you how and gives you the mantra for creating wealth consciousness and shows you how it is your natural state of being.
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
There are many who find fault with Dr. Chopra’s use of Quantum physics and even label his as a quack. Some refute his theories and results by pointing toward placebo effect. But if placebo effect is a scientifically approved mechanism, we have to accept that positive and constructive thoughts do affect how our body responds to illness.
In this book Dr. Chopra argues that our minds are much powerful than we know and they can control how our cells respond and neurons fire. If deterioration is hastened by unwanted messages to our body, sending positive signals can halt or delay the deterioration.
Quantum Healing
Dr. Chopra believes that deep within our brains lie multiple intelligence that control how our physical bodies for and respond to external forces. He has seen patients written off by medical science make a miraculous recovery. How does that happen?
Dr. Chopra points out to his readers that illnesses occur because our physiology gets messed up at a micro level – which is just a malfunction in the communication system of the body. This communication system can be reset at the quantum level and this is what the book is about.
Super Brain
Super Brain builds on Dr. Chopra’s long held belief that it can control how our bodies respond to illness and it is the healthy brain environment – physical and metaphysical – that more or less control every aspect of our daily lives. He partners with Rudolf E. Tanzi to give you tools to use the untapped potential of this mysterious organ and create a healthy and happy life.
Deepak Chopra Quotes to Remember
“When you make a choice, you change the future.”
“You will be transformed by what you read.”
“Happiness for a reason is just another form of misery because the reason can be taken away from us at any time.”
“If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed.”
“What keeps life fascinating is the constant creativity of the soul.”
“Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens once again the doorway to creativity.”
“Ask for nothing less than inspiration.”
“Give up being right. Instead radiate peace, harmony, love, and laughter from your heart.”
“Within every desire is the mechanics of its fulfillment.”
“The world ‘out there’ won’t change until the world ‘in here’ does.”
“Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience. Atheism is no experience only measurement.”
“Walk with those who are looking for the truth, run from those who think they have found it.”
“In my stillness I am the eternal possibility. In my movement I am the cosmos.”